Winter walking in Perthshire

Winter walking in Perthshire

5 of our favourite routes to explore in Perthshire over the Winter.

Crunchy leaves, crisp Scottish air and frostbitten trees; there’s something quite magical about roaming free in nature during the Winter season. Luckily for us, Perthshire is home to some of the most glorious landscapes which come alive in the colder months. 

What you’ll need:

  • Be sure to wrap up warm with plenty of layers and water-proof clothing. 
  • When braving the Scottish Winter climate, we recommend strapping on your best walking boots with quality grip. Whilst our walks are accessible for a range of walkers, we don’t want any unfortunate run-ins with icy paths. 
  • Take a flask of hot tea or coffee if your chosen route is a little more out of the way to help keep you warm.
  • Take your camera! Or, your phone. You’re about to uncover some breathtaking Winter views that you’ll want to remember forever.

Now, we Let’s take a look at some of our favourite Winter walks that Perthshire has to offer. 

Birks of Aberfeldy

Wander through the majestic woodlands at the Birks of Aberfeldy. Head up the Moness Gorge to the Moness Falls - a truly stunning sight in the Winter months. Made famous by Scottish poet Robert Burns himself, as a place to recuperate and take inspiration, the Birks of Aberfeldy is a peaceful walk. The route will take you around 1.5 hours to complete leisurely. 

Keep an eye out for the Birch woodland forest which can be viewed from the top of the gorge. Along with many other, and some less common, species of trees. This is a fabulous walk for fellow botanical lovers!

Queen’s View 

Head for Highland Perthshire and enjoy the serene landscapes of the Queen’s View summit. From the viewpoint you can look onto Loch Tummel with the mighty snow tops of Schiehallion mountain in the background. What a sight to behold in the glistening Winter sun! It may take you by surprise, but to reach such magnificent views, only take a short walk which is accessible for all abilities. 

Fun fact! The name ‘Queen’s View’ was in honour of Robert the Bruce’s first wife Isabella who once lived on the nearby land.

The Hermitage

Located near Dunkeld, The Hermitage forest is an exemplary Perthshire beauty spot. The main walking route follows the River Braan which leads you to the crashing waters of Black Linns waterfall. Another hotspot for wildlife, The Hermitage is bustling in the Winter months with Red Squirrels. During November and December, down by the banks you may even see leaping salmon journeying to their spawning grounds. Beautifully surrounded by Douglas Firs, the full woodland trail takes around 1.5 hours. However, there are adjoining paths that can be used to shorten the route. 

Cluny House Gardens

The gardens of Cluny House are not only known as a top Perthshire walking route, but also, as one of the top places to spot Red Squirrels in Perthshire. Even more so in Winter time when the furry residents can easily be spotted against the snowy backdrop burrowing for their hidden stashes of food. The grounds are a haven for all kinds of wildlife including trees and botanical species such as Wellingtonia, Giant Redwoods, Giant Himilayan Lilies and more. 

This is a great place to go for walkers of all ages.

The Knock Path 

Finally, this Winter why not check out The Knock Path. The path is an easy route that covers the base of the hill, this can even be accessed on bike. Or, you can choose to embark on the steeper route and climb Knock Hill. Once you reach the summit, you can admire the stunning vista reaching as far as the Scottish Highland in the north. The full walk will take around 1.5 - 2 hours to complete if you choose to head for the summit. 

We’d love to hear where your favourite places to walk in Perthshire during the Winter are!