Wild Negroni

Wild Negroni

An Italian favourite brought a taste of the Scottish wild.

The Negroni is a long-standing favourite cocktail of the Italians.  We swap out the gin and bring in our Birch and Elderflower spirit for a shift to the wild side.  In a cocktail shaker add the Birch and Elderflower spirit, the sweet vermouth, the Campari and the crushed ice.  Shake thoroughly and strain into a martini glass.  Run the lemon rind around the rim of the glass and add to the glass along with ice cubes and orange garnish.  Add a splash of soda before serving if desired - but only a splash.


  • Birch and Elderflower Wild Scottish Spirit (25mls)
  • Sweet Vermouth (25mls)
  • Campari (25mls)
  • Soda or sparkling water (optional)
  • Crushed ice and ice cubes
  • Lemon rind
  • Half slice of orange as garnish
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